Click to see our Danville Gardens location in the Spring Season
About Danville Gardens

Danville Gardens was started around 1910 by Billy Welchel. He grew tomatoes and other vegetables in a large glass greenhouse (33,000 sq. ft.) until the stock market crash. He then lost the business to the bank and it sat empty from 1936-1939. It was purchased by Walter and Mildred Ahrens and they continued to grow vegetables and started moving into flowers in the 1960s. The Ahrens built a few more greenhouses to bring the total growing area to approximately 90,000 sq. ft. The Ahrens were in their eighties when they sold Danville Gardens, to Nathan & Lisa Campbell, the current owners, in 1993.
In 1993, Nathan and Lisa Campbell purchased Danville Gardens. While Nathan is an expert horticulturalist, Lisa studied biology and pre-med. She has learned a lot over the years. They initially started cleaning up from the beginning. There was a lot a trash (plastic pots, trays, glass, etc.) and they dumped 16 large dumpsters of trash the first year. They also started remodeling the greenhouses. The only original house was built around 1925 and they retro fitted it with automatic vents and polycarbonate covering. Danville Gardens now has about 100,000 sq. ft. under cover and fully connected for easy shopping in bad weather.
At one time, Danville Gardens was known for its farm fresh produce especially their tomatoes grown in their own greenhouses and shipped to Chicago. When the Campbell’s bought the business the main staple was flowers-especially giant geraniums. We send out a post card in the spring with all of the details of opening hours and new products. Join our mailing list by clicking on the link above and filling out your information.
Throughout the years, the Campbell’s have become well-known in the horticulture community. They have attended seminars, continued their education and were speakers at many conferences and luncheons across the United States. They are driven to get people excited about gardening. Their knowledge is passed along first-hand to the committed retail staff who also shares their passion for plants.
Throughout our season you may see them at many seminars and teaching gardening basics, new techniques and sharing any new knowledge we have learned.
Over the years, the owners have changed, but the name DANVILLE GARDENS has stayed the same.
In 2002, Nathan and Lisa Campbell, were on the cover of the GrowerTalks magazine as Up and Comers for 2002. GrowerTalks is a horticulture trade magazine who in 2002 reached more than 9,000 greenhouses in the United States abroad. It was one of the industry’s most well respected magazines. Being chosen as an Up and Comer was quite an honor. The Campbell’s were chosen from a group of more than 30 nominees because of their innovative grown, excellent quality of plants and their dedication to their staff and customers.
When shopping at Danville Gardens you will notice our Danville Gardens staff is wearing red. We feel it is best for our customers to see our Red shirts in a greenhouse covered with lots of green. Please do not hesitate to ask one of our employees to help you with your gardening needs; they too share the passion of gardening.

House 1 is used as a growing house. We do allow customers to shop from here but it has a few obstacles such as narrow aisles and rolling tables.
House 2 is approximately 25,000 sq. ft. and is another growing house although it gets more customers because of its proximity to the retail. Plant material is grown on the floor in this house.
House 3 is our retail house and this is where most customers enter and check out. There is a large variety of everything we grow in this house-annuals and hanging baskets, vegetables, herbs, tropicals and succulents. We bring items from the growing house up to our retail for easy shopping. We also have hardgood items such as pottery, wind chimes, fertilizer, soil, and gift items.
House 4 is our perennial, tree & shrub house. Here you will find the beautiful hydrangeas along with an endless supply of hostas.
The outdoor area also known as “mum patch” is north of house 1 and is approximately 2 acres. All plant material is grown on the ground and is watered with our watering system.
Danville Gardens North- This is our second seasonal location. The address is 3585 N. Vermilion, Danville, IL. We deliver product from our Danville Greenhouse up to this location daily. It is open from April 15-June and Sept-October.

Recycle Your Danville Gardens Pots Today!!
Nathan explains how we are helping the environment one Danville Gardens pot at a time!
Click to play the video